Business Sectors

We provide services to the following sectors;

  • State Bodies and Agencies
  • Construction
  • Environmental and Engineering Consultancy
  • Food and Drink (manufacturers, retail and foodservice)
  • IT
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Print and Packaging
  • Waste

Projects 2012 - 2018

Since 2012 we have been engaged in diverse and interesting work.  We provide a profile of some of our projects which have either been completed or are currently on-going.   Other services involving financial assessments, waste strategy, environmental liability and licensing have been undertaken for confidential clients.

Client: Bord Bia, Irish Food Board   

Origin Green Programme - 2012 - ongoing

FNE have been working with Bord Bia’s Origin Green Programme from 2012. Since then, FNE have reviewed and advised on Origin Green Sustainability Plans and Annual Progress Reports prepared by over 350 food and beverage, retail and foodservice companies.
The services provided by FNE include:

  • Managing a team of sustainability experts that provide technical assistance to the Origin Green programme
  • Mentoring support to organisations engaging with Origin Green at Sustainability Plan development stage
  • Site visits to facilitate target setting or to assess progress with plan targets
  • Pre- verification reviews of Draft Sustainability Plans and Plan Annual updates, including resource data submitted
  • Provision of written and verbal feedback on draft plans
  • Provision of on-going advice to Bord Bia in relation to contents of plans, plan guidance and legislative aspects
  • Provision of strategic advice to Bord Bia in developing the programme and risk planning

The key aspects of the plans addressed by FNE relate to the measurable targets and initiatives for raw materials, manufacturing processes, social sustainability and health and nutrition. A key focus is mentoring organisations in the area of resource use and understanding and correctly reporting data in relation to their business processes and targets set.
For more information on Bord Bia’s Origin Green Programme - link here.

Client: Clare County Council

Review, Evaluation, and verification Services for the Geopark Code of Practice for Sustainable Tourism- 2017-2018

Clare County Council (CCC) manages The Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Geopark LIFE Project (LIFE11/IE/922). A key aspect of the project is progressing tourism and conservation in the local communities with the application of sustainable principles of economy, environment, social and culture.  A code of practice has been developed for sustainable tourism in the Geopark including promotion of the Geopark Leave No Trace principles, developing an Environmental Action Plan, implementing a green purchasing policy, resource efficiency, and active contribution to the conservation of the Geopark region.
The Code of Practice is relevant to a wide range of enterprises including; accommodation, hospitality providers, activity centres, visitor centres and the food and beverage industry.

In 2017 CCC commissioned FNE to review, evaluate and verify online enterprise submissions in relation to the Burren Geopark Code of Practice. The process involved a desk top review of 33 individual enterprises performance against the code using the online system.  The purpose of the review was to assess the evidence submitted by companies complies with the Code of Practice. 
Following review of online submissions, FNE provided an evaluation of measures achieved by enterprises and an overall performance score and evaluation report. Qualitative feedback was provided to each enterprise on the quality of their submission and their sustainable tourism practices and included recommendations for further improvement via the online system.

In 2018 FNE continued with recommendations for overall improvements to the Code and addressed how the Code could be transferrable to other tourist destinations.


Client: Jacobs Engineering and Kildare County Council

Kerdiffstown Landfill Remedial Options Assessment 2011-2017

In 2011 the EPA took control of the Kerdiffstown landfill in Naas following the abandonment of the site and an extensive underground waste fire.  A team of consultants, including FNE, were involved in assisting the EPA in provided emergency measures and environmental control.  In February 2013 the EPA further appointed Jacobs Engineering to project manage a multi-disciplinary environmental consultancy team for the long-term remediation planning of the closed landfill. 
FNE was in turn commissioned by Jacobs to deliver various environmental assessment and reporting tasks as part of the Preliminary Site Appraisal Reporting. These tasks included attendance at stakeholder meetings, desktop reviews and environmental site surveys; collation of data and delivery of chapters including Planning Considerations, Air Quality, Noise Pollution, Odour Management and Emissions assessments.  In 2015 the control of the site was delegated to Kildare County Council, and during 2016-2017 FNE were further engaged to provide expert advice and steering in the completion of an IED application for the remediation of the site.  In September 2017 Kildare County Council submitted the IED application to the EPA


Client: Apple Operations Europe

Strategic Waste Planning Reporting 2015- 2016
FNE provided strategic waste advice to Apple Operations Europe in Cork between 2015 and 2016.
Services included;

  • Review of 2014 waste data, waste flow and handling on-site, culminating in a site wide waste strategy for prevention, reduction and improvements in handling of materials
  • Organic waste arisings audit to provide advice in improved flow and handling of organic waste including inedible food, food waste and compostable packaging
  • Advice and reporting on developing a centralised waste service area and materials flows within site
  • Advice and reporting on innovative waste handling systems and waste contract review
  • Drafting of Statement of Works for Revised waste contract

Key outputs included, Materials Management Plan (2015), Waste Management Plan for Short-Medium Term Requirements (2016) and Draft Waste Contract (2016).


Client: National Economic and Social Council

The role of Environmental data for greening the Economy – 2013-2014

In November 2013 FNE, in conjunction with Envecon, were commissioned by NESC to carry out a study, titled “The Role of Data for Greening the Economy” which examined the perceived value and use of environmental data in Ireland across diverse public and private organisations.  A key project objective was to explore the extent to which environmental data is currently available and utilised in the policy process, to assist Ireland’s economy to move towards a more sustainable resource efficient economy.
The methodology for this project was structured around three major components of work.

1. Development and enhancement of a national environmental data/indicator map
2. Stakeholder engagement (28 organisations) and consultation with regards to environmental data
3. Expert review and integration of stakeholder insights to generate recommendations
The work components concluded with a report offering recommendations with respect to nationally enhancing the value and assimilation of environmental data. See link here


Client: Various

Environmental Liabilities Risk Assessment and Due Diligence - 2012 - ongoing

FNE have carried out various Environmental Liability Risk Assessments for private and public sector clients, under their IPPC, Waste Licence and Waste Permit reporting requirements.  The most recent assessments have been completed for waste facilities operating under a Local Authority granted waste facility permit in 2016 and 2017 in accordance with the EPAs  Guidance on assessing and costing Environmental Liabilities 2014Clients: Irish EPA, NER Recycling, Walkers Recycling

Since 2012 FNE have completed over 50 Phase 1 Due Diligence assessments for various clients as part of property transactions and asset transfer proceedings.  The due diligence assessments provide a non-intrusive assessment of environmental site conditions, and highlight any potential hazards or special designations afforded to the locality of the facility.  In carrying out Phase 1 Due Diligence assessments we meet the level of inquiry governing environmental due diligence processes, as set out by the commonly referenced American Standard for Due Diligence, the American Society of Testing and Materials ( ASTM)  E 1527-13 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I.  There is no equivalent Irish standard for these assessments.
The assessments included site visits and a review of available site data, such as planning files, past site investigations, details of past spillages, historical or conservation status designations, resulting in the delivery of concise informative reports to the client Clients: Ambiente, Hines, Future Analytics, Aecom, confidential private clients


Client: Various

Environmental Studies for Planning and Licensing Support  (Ongoing)

FNE have carried out numerous environmental studies in support of Planning or Licence Applications (such as IED licence applications or Waste Permit applications).  These studies have been assignments for the 1st party planning/ licence applicant, as well as for 3rd party submissions to Planning or for stakeholder groups. Subjects investigated included

  • Environmental noise impact assessments at industrial and waste sites, as well as gun shooting clubs
  • Licence Compliance Audits
  • Odour management plans for waste facilities
  • Landfill trace gas studies
  • Air quality control recommendations regarding crematorium emissions
  • Information on Planning Guidance for Irish Solar PV Energy systems

Environmental Studies generally commence as desktop reviews, involving document searches pertaining to Best Practice guidance and licensing/ planning provisions.  Where onsite monitoring and sampling is included, this may involve one or two days on site, depending on the extent of the required surveys.   The reports developed are tailored to the specific client requirements, such as in the form of application templates, as planning submissions or technical reports. 


Client: Dublin City Council

Observations regarding Brownfield site remediation - 2014

In July 2014 Dublin City Council appointed FNE to carry out a preliminary Conceptual Site Model and Qualitative Risk Assessment of a brownfield site in Dublin, at which heavy metal contamination had previously been indicated. We provided observations and site remediation recommendations to the client.


Client: SMILE Resource Exchange –Macroom-E

Industrial Synergy and Resource Use- 2014-Ongoing

FNE have been providing technical assistance to the SMILE Resource Exchange Programme to organisations in the Eastern Midlands Waste Region since September 2014. The SMILE Resource Exchange is an EPA funded programme established to increase reuse of materials between commercial operations, thereby reducing waste.  Due to our wide connections in the food and manufacturing sectors, we have assisted the SMILE Exchange in identifying and assisting successful industrial synergies to take place. Link here


Client: Private Investment Firm

Analysis of Irish Waste Market 2013-2014

Between January 2013 and October 2014 FNE were contracted by a private global equity and infrastructure investment firm to project manage the review and analysis of the Irish waste market. The review work involved an assessment of waste flow and arisings in Ireland, technologies, regulatory and policy drivers, developments within the waste industry and a review of previous commercial due diligence performed by other consultancies. A final report was produced highlighting the key risks and opportunities for a potential investment.  Further research and clarifications were progressed in 2014.


Client: EPA – Office of Licensing

IED- Technical Assistance on Industrial Emission Directive licensing 2013

Technical Assistance was provided to the EPA in 2013 as part of the implementation of the Industrial Emission Directive (IED) into the Irish licensing and enforcement system, which required completion before January 2014. The project consisted of examining active EPA Act and Waste Management Act (WMA) licences to assess the correct licensing categories under the Industrial Emissions Directive. 
The work involved reviewing information submitted by the licensees into the EPAs LEMA webform (Licensing Enforcement and Monitoring Application), assessing these against criteria set out by the Agency and inputting comments into the LEMA Amendments module. The work required a thorough knowledge of the classes of activities specified in the IED, EPA Act and WMA, an ability to review licences, Inspectors reports and other relevant documents. 


Client: Dublin City Council

Qualitative Risk Assessment of undeveloped sites in Dublin Docklands Area 2012

Dublin City Council (DCC) commissioned Flannery Nagel Environmental Ltd (FNE) in October 2012 to perform a desk-top study and Qualitative Risk Assessment of twelve potentially contaminated undeveloped plots in the Dublin Docklands Area.  The study was completed by FNE in association with Eden NE. The study provided a risk ranking and detailed Plot Reports for each relevant area, an overview of the risk assessment methodology employed, and recommendations for the future development of potentially contaminated lands.   

The area was subsequently designated as a Strategic Development Zone (SDZ). 
See link here:


Client: EPA Green Enterprise Research and Green Business

Various Resource Efficiency Studies 2011-2016

FNE have completed several Resource Efficiency studies under the EPA funded Green Enterprise and Green Business Programmes.   The studies we completed include;

  • Resource Efficiency Programme for the Irish Craft Brewing Sector- 2015-2016

In June 2015 FNE commenced a study to identify good practice in resource efficiency measures for the Irish craft brewing sector. The project involved engaging with companies directly to identify low cost/no costs opportunities for the sector, through resource efficiency site visits and supplemented through telephone interviews with companies that did not avail of a visit.
A key aspect of the study was to identify good practice in resource efficiency in areas or water, energy and raw material usage as well as waste management.  As the sector is still in its’ infancy in Ireland, FNE sought case studies from countries with well developed craft beer markets such as UK, US, Germany and Canada.
The study concluded with the publication of a Good Practice Guide for the sector in September 2016.
Publication link is here

  • Management of Contaminated Plastics for the Irish Meat Processing Sector-2015-2016

Under the EPA’s Green Enterprise Programme, FNE were funded to review opportunities for preventing and reducing contaminated plastics in the primary and secondary meat processing sector.  The study involved site visits to meat processing plants and engaging with the waste industry.
The overall project objectives included;

  • Quantifying tonnage of contaminated plastics arising from the primary and secondary meat processing sectors and current management method;
  • Estimating total projected arisings;
  • Reviewing current waste handling methods at processors and off-site waste management handling;
  • Identifying current Irish and international best practice for the prevention and reduction of such waste as well as packaging innovation;
  • Reviewing best options for the management of clean and contaminated plastic waste, and future possibilities currently being considered in Ireland;

The outputs from the overall study informed the development of a good practice guidance manual for effective management of clean and contaminated plastic waste in June 2016.

  • Green Enterprise Environmental Data Management Software Application 2012-2013
    FNE were awarded funding in 2012 under the EPAs CGPP research programme, to project manage and scope the development of an environmental data software application.  The software was intended to enable improved environmental data collection, environmental compliance and smarter reporting for facilities that operate with an environmental permit, either from the EPA or a local authority. A key objective of the research was to develop an application to facilitate one-step report collation in line with EPA AER/PRTR reporting, general licence compliance and also other forms of environmental reporting (inhouse EMP’s, CSR or Sustainability Plans).  A draft tool was developed and demonstrated to various environmental managers. The ECR tool was Beta Tested to evaluate its performance on various platforms . It was concluded that the tool offers valuable on-site assistance, but client training is required as an integral part of the product offering, to ensure optimisation of usage potential. Further investment in the reporting functionality of the tool is required prior to commercialisation of the app as a viable product.   
  • Green Print and Pack Programme - Print Sector Resource Efficiency 2011-2012

In December 2011 a sector specific resource efficiency service for the Irish Print Sector was launched, called the Green Print and Pack Programme, funded by the EPAs’ Greenbusiness and championed by the Irish Print and Packaging Forum.  Free site assessments and resource efficiency advice was provided by consultants SKM Enviros and Flannery Nagel Environmental during 2012.
After completing 12 site assessments, a Best Practice Guide was written on low-cost resource efficiency measures for Print and Pack processes, offering practical advice on how to save money and increase companies competitiveness in the National and International markets.
Publication link is here


Client: Various

Environmental Training Course development and presentation;

FNE have developed several client specific training courses.  These have included 1 day training course for the Irish Green Buildings Council, targeting architects, project managers and construction site managers in relation to waste management at all stages of a building development. Waste prevention and minimisation at the design stage of a building through to the site construction stage, as well as during the end use operation were considered. 

Another course developed for International Development Ireland and the Portobello Institute provided an overview of the Irish environmental licensing framework to a delegation of industrial professionals from Saudi Arabia. 

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