Waste and Resource Management
Ireland faces a challenge regarding its’ use of materials and the consumption of natural resources at an unsustainable rate. At the heart of waste and resource management is the conservation of resources and ultimately prevention of wastage.
Waste regulation bring about challenges for the regulators, waste service providers and waste producers, however, with these challenges come opportunities for technical innovation for resource re-use, recovery and resource efficiency to preserve our natural capital.
We work with organisations to achieve a circular economy business model approach through waste prevention and reduction, material re-use and development of sustainable products or services. Our aim is to facilitate organisations to achieve maximum value from their raw material inputs and realise added value benefits through innovative solutions for managing waste outputs and by-products generated.
Our services are delivered to the waste, construction, food, beverage and agriculture and pharmaceutical sectors.
Services include:
- Waste Policy and Strategy advice
- Waste and Resource Market Analysis
- Regulatory Approvals (permitting, planning and EIA)
- Regulatory Approvals (By-Product Decisions- Article 27 and End of Waste-Article 28)
- Waste audits and prevention programmes
- Technology Reviews
- Waste Contract Review
- Materials and Resource Re-use and Recovery Advice
Contact: Kara Flannery 086 8314603